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Product Updates / Technical Notes
Enhancing Webform for a Better Standard Data Collection Experience
Mar 30, 2022
What's New?
- Altitude & Accuracy - geopoint has been enhanced to capture not only latitude & longitude, but also altitude and accuracy data - anytime, anywhere
- Auto-Redirect - automatic redirect to new landing page to avoid multiple or repeat submissions
- Auto-Save - allows respondent to close browser and return to survey/form without losing their submission
- Calculations - calculates inputs based on values of preceding questions
- CAPTCHA - ensures that the respondent is a real human being
- Cascading Selects - allows questions to cascade based on a previous selection
- Groups - creates a group of related questions, often helpful for analysis
- Hints - instructs the respondent on how to answer a question
- Multiple Choice Questions - questions that allow multiple options to be selected
- Print - allows user to print a blank or filled out survey in a clean format, no annoying website header or footer included
- Repeats - the ability to repeat a question or group of questions
- Skip Logic - the ability to skip a question or group of questions using a ‘relevant’ attribute
- Webform By Default - Webform is now enabled by default, saving users one more step in implementing Webforms for sharing/collection
- * For Required Questions - visual asterisk cue letting respondents know which questions require an input
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